Digimon from the film Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning appear with new effects! The new effect "Partition" can be activated when a DNA digivolved Digimon leaves the battle area to have the Digimon in its digivolution cards remain in play! Partner Tamers appear as well.
Includes Ukkomon and Lui Ohwada from the film! Ukkomon's digivolution BigUkkomon is included for the first time! It has the powerful effect of returning all Tamers to the hand upon deletion!
4 Megas appear in ACE form! When digivolving from DNA digivolved Digimon, their effects activate to make them even more powerful! Also included as special SP cards!
"SoC" from Digimon Seekers evolves further! New cards accessing Loogamon and Eiji Nagasumi appear, allowing the creation of a more stable deck! The new effect Collision also appears! When attacking this effect lets you assign an opponent Digimon th eBlocker effect and then you can force them to block! Master Collision to sweep the board!
The set includes Digimon and Option cards that give a major boost to the Advanced Deck Double Typhoon! Use new X Antibody Digimon to seize victory!
The set includes two rare, special design alt-art cards! Magnamon (X Antibody) and Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (English exclusive) appear in the elusive alt-art format!
Buy boxes to get box topper packs! The packs include 6 foil versions of Digi-Egg cards from this set.
One Box contains 24 Booster Packs.
Each Booster Pack contains 12 random cards from the full list of available cards.